Friday, March 10, 2006

a few drops of pessimism..

i am posting something after a long time..i guess i had nothing impressive going on in my life during this period of silence,just the regular second sem vettiness that seems to have infected every first yearite i come across..
oh..i am soo bored of this stereotypical life..go and sit for tests,come back chat on the net,eat, if possible..orkuting saves the day most of the times,but even too much of it does start to bore sum it all up its a serious lack of adrenaline in my life..
at times i ponder about what i seem to be heading for..but it seems as if i'm staring into nothingness..nothing concrete seems in the question is,have i really turned into a rudderless ship? here i am..showing my acads the middle finger..but its not as if i'm enjoying my life..its exactly the what's the point?? its a losing equation on both hands..the end result seems certain..a vetti guy with a fucked up grade..!!
nothing seems to be right..i don't want a bad grade,people expect high grades from me(u have no idea what some PEOPLE expect from me..#@^%$!!)..i don't want a nerd's life coz thats not what i am..and again i just cant seem to balance both of them..
another thing about me..i cant stay for long in silence..i detest places like the library for their silence..i've got to stay amidst the din and the ruckus,coz i enjoy it..otherwise a feeling of isolation sets in..i HATE to be alone..
u must be wondering,how does a guy who hates to be alone,manage to get bored?
ya...thats how i am,cz even too much of friends seem to bore me..n i like having my own quiet moment amidst the chatter..coool naa??
thats enough of pessimism for today..
i guess looking ahead is the only thing that will keep me happy..looking forward to returning to my home with a decent grade card,if possible..meeting old friends,having a few unforgettable moments of fun with the near and dear before coming back to the stereotypical grind of life..god i feel nostalgic already!.